Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Today we have a Guest Speaker for the 5:55 Room starting a new weekly tradition.

Judy, Please share your touching story with the web!

(English, Japanese or both! It’s up to you!) – Dylan

My speech notes / 私のスピーチノート


Good morning everyone and thank you very much for giving me this opportunity.


In the famous speech Mr. Steve Jobs made in 2005 at the Stanford University, one of his story was about connecting the dots. I like to start my presentation by introducing some of those dots in my life.

かの有名なスタンフォード大学の卒業式でのスピーチでスティーブ・ジョブス氏は人生において点と点がつながっていく話をしました。 なので私もわたしの人生における点とそれらが繋がり今にいたる話しをさせていただきたいと思います。

My father was a dreamer. He had different profession but his passion was riding horses and his dream was live life as a cowboy. so he did. He eventually established a little dude ranch in outskirts of Obihiro. Wide open spaces, beautiful forests, natural springs and full of dreams that’s how I see his ranch is.

わたしの父はドリーマー夢を追い求める人で、ちゃんとした専門職を持っていましたが、昔から馬が好きでカウボーイになる事に憧れ、実際常にカウボーイの様な出立ちで、帯広の端っこに小さな趣味の牧場を構えました。 広々とした土地と豊かな自然、森や湧き水の池、そして夢の結晶…わたしにとってこの場所はそういう意味を持っています。

Growing up as a cowboy’s daughter, I started to ride horses at 4 and I always enjoy nature. I was trained to be independent. I started to commute to kindergarten by train alone at 3, my solo travel by airplane was when I was 5. I started to live in US alone when I was a teenager.


When I was 30 years old, I found a little lump like a tiny frozen pea in my left breast. Making a long story short for awhile I totally believed that I had a breast cancer and I went through an operation to remove it.


During those time, I studied about cancer and some of causes, how to prevent and what is healthy lifestyle. I used to horrified to go into the supermarket because in my eyes most of foods look like poisonous. I started to dream living in a farm growing my own vegetables and fruits. I actually filed transfer request to the company so I could move to the east where I can buy a farmhouse acreage but it did not happened then.


Thankfully my tumor was benign but my obsession for healthy lifestyle and eating habits remained.


I had very happy life in Canada. Working for airline, traveling around the world, surrounded by amazing friends and my center of the universe was my puppy 坊ちゃん Bottchan.


I thought that’s how it’ goes forever…

Things started to change drastically in 2017. I lost my puppy. He was 16 years old. My heart was broken and then within one month, I lost my father. My stepmother was talking about selling the ranch and moving to the city.Then, the company I was working for announced restructuring the organization and offered an early retirement package.


I felt like I was thrown into torturous raging muddy river but the same time I felt all the stars were aligning for me. One of my friend told me let go of a rope I am holding, dive in, don’t even try to swim to the other side of the river! Just float in the raging waters. Just float.

何がなんだか分からなくて、荒れ狂う濁流の中に投げ込まれたようでメソメソしていました。でも同時に空の星々が私のために大きく位置を変えていっているようにも感じられます。 友人が私に言いました。『濁流に逆らうんじゃなく、泳ぐのでもなく、手を離して流されたら良いのよ。ちゃんと辿り着くべき所に辿り着くから飛び込んでプカプカ流されるの』

Went through my own possibly a life threatening illness, experiencing loosing not only my beloved puppy and my father but also some who left this Earth too young,…. standing alone in front of a bathroom mirror, looking at myself, I thought I did not want to live my life too carefully for the sake of comfortable living and not doing what I really want.


After all we all die. I like to live my life with full intentions. I wanted to be the best possible version of me. I want to be a good contributor to this world, I like to leave positive footprints before I leave.


I have no children, no family, so I don’t need to save and possess stuff for me nor someone else. After all we cannot take any to the Heaven. I knew what I value and interested in are experiences especially ones when I am following my heart. I knew I would not be happy even if I am jet setting around in the first class cabin because I already got this rather crazy idea and started to see a whole picture as an opportunity.


I have serious concerns over how our natures are getting destroyed. I see our current outrageous, unusual weather and some natural phenomena as a signal from the universe and the Earth. The Earth is crying…This whole problem is too big and I don’t have solutions but I wanted to save at least this land my father had and leave it to the next generations.


And this is why I gave up everything to move to Japan.


To save this nature in his property, I originally thought I have to establish a profitable farming businesses.


But then spending time in the 555 room every morning and getting wide scope of ideas and tons of inspirations, now I reset my heart and very excited to announce that I decided to establishing a NPO (not for profit organization).

でも555amの部屋で色々な幅広い話題について皆さんの意見やアイディアを聞いたり、インスピレーションをいただいて全く新しい方向性を見つけました。 ここにNPO(非営利団体)を作って自然保護はじめ美味しい楽しいと健康を推奨していきます。

This organization’s main goal is to conserve natures . We do so via promoting healthy lifestyles including farm to table concept with good eating habits closer to actual farms. Education takes very important roles in this organization. I am also interested in encouraging diverse society. I am afraid where Japan is going and where people with disabilities and disadvantages are going to placed in society. Although it will be a small contribution but I would like to create some employment for those people. To do so I believe it is very important to make strong international network. If you could understand different languages like English you will notice majority of information widely available in Japan are very much filtered. I strongly believe it is important to learn from other people and organizations which has similar value and bring some examples. Then, when I established strong foundation I also like to make a sanctuary for senior digs and cats and also promote arts and crafts because I believe it is great ways to enjoy nature and also get inspirations.

I am starting this NPO in the next year, year 2022. I have vision but this is something I cannot do by myself.

If you could please tell people there is a crazy Canadian woman up in Hokkaido alone starting wild adventure. And once when I started please support this Not for Profit Organization and let’s save this beautiful Earth and nature for us and for the next generations.

Thank you


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By Judy

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3 years ago

Thank you Judy! That was a powerful story you shared with us this morning!

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