Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Take control of your brain. Give it a story it will enjoy. Change your performance.

What’s the ONE THING that Coca Cola, McDonald’s and everyone you find attractive have in common.

Hold that thought.

Today we are talking about brainwashing.

Don’t get me wrong, brainwashing as a word has a negative connotation in the regular parlance. Or can be used in a comedic sense.

Today we will split the difference. The brainwashing we are talking about it is a good thing.

The art of planting ideas to change beliefs. To acheive better performance in your life.

It turns out that humans are programmable robots. We are programmed through our ears. (We are VOICE activated robots!)

Our brains constantly simplify the world around us. Turning facts into stories. Everything we do is a story.

By repeating a story over and over again, it becomes the story we believe and the story we trust.

Repetition is the only guaranteed method to program a human.

That is why Coca Cola and McDonld’s continue to advertise widely and often. They are leaving traces of their product in your mind.

Even if you don’t like these products, the repetion foreces you to think about their product. Each time you do that, they win.

It is the same for people. If you see the same person often enough, they become more attractive to you. Even if you don’t like them!

Be careful of what you “hate”. Hate and love are two sides of the same coin. That coin is the strong emotion signal.

By focusing on either love or hate, you are growing fond of that thing.

This is why I do not allow people to say they “are not good at English” or “can’t do xyz”. Each time you say the phrase, your brain is listening. And it agrees. And therefore you program yourself to “not be good at English” and be “unable to do xyz”. So if you can brainwash yourself to lower performance, why not flip the script and brainwash yourself to higher performance!

Strong emotions win over weak emotions. (Good or bad)

So if you want to change a belief. Reach a new goal. Increase your performance. Learn a new language. Say it out loud. Over and over everyday. You must use your voice, to reach your ears, to program your brain.

Say the things you eventually believe. The things you believe will come true.

Be like Coca Cola and McDonald’s.

Repeat your story until it is a powerful thought that no one lese can take away from you.

And close your toilet seat cover. Just do it.

Key to using Affirmations for proper brainwashing.

  • One Sentence (present tense. I am … is better than I will…..
  • Write it Down (And keep it where you can see it)
  • Say it out loud

Make it yours.

Listen to “Day241 Brainwash for Better Performance” on Spreaker.

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By Dylan

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2 years ago






にしてもどうしてそんな事が可能なのでしょうか?人をその人の意思に反して動かす。 でもその答えっていたって簡単なのです。

我々、全員、人間ってプログラミングが可能な存在、ロボットみたいなものなのです。 私たちの脳みそは物凄い事をやり遂げる強力な道具なんですけど、常に世の中をシンプルに書き換えて理解しようとしています。現実を全て知る必要は無く現実を分かりやすく噛み砕いたバージョンで理解します。


という事で、これが大切、今週話してきていますけれども『あなたのストーリーは何ですか?』あなたが自分自身に独り言ちる言葉、あなたは自分にどんなストーリーを語りかけ続けているのでしょうか? どこそこの学校に行ってこんな事をして、だから自分の人生こうこうで、だから今のあなたはこういう風にこう言う事をしている。…って言うのがあなたのストーリーでそれが現実で書き換えは不可能、これが私ですって思い込んでいる。でも前にも話しましたが自分の在り方を変えることは可能です。そのキーは自分の脳みそを書き換える事です。私たちは耳から聞くことによってプログラムされていきます。


魅力的な人達の共通点は?彼らは魅力的なイメージを他の人よりも多くあなたに見せつけます。それくらいシンプルな事なのです。 嫌いな人の場合は?あの毎日見かけるイヤな人。それも同じコンセプトです。それが誰か知っているので見ただけで脳みそはその信号を受け止め嫌いな場合もそれに反応するわけです。


ボクシングの世界チャンピオンだったモハメド・アリは1番最初の大試合に出た時、まだ誰も彼が何者かと知る前から『私は偉大だ I am the greatest.』と言うのが口癖で、これはアファメーション(自己肯定)と呼ばれ、なんだかいかがわしいように取る人もいますが、悪い事では無いんですよ。








Jane Warner
Jane Warner
2 years ago

I like the addition of music at the start of episode 241.

Jane Warner
Jane Warner
2 years ago

I like the new music.

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